Character and the Enneagram: The Yoga of Relationship

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At various times in our
history, oracular, archetypal systems such as the Tarot, Astrology, the I Ching, and Norse Runes have emerged out of various
cultures. Within the last forty years, the discovery of a different group of archetypes has emerged — the…

Explore Your Sexual Consciousness


Join the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) presents,
the 8th Annual Fall Conference of Sexuality + Consciousness in Toronto,
October 14-16, 2011.

Are You an Enlightened Lover?


Evolver Intensives presents the next Teleseminar series, "The Sexual Evolution:  Using advanced techniques of ecstasy to reach higher states of health and happiness".

The Orgasmic Roots of Pronoia


As I dropped off to
sleep I heard the Goddess in Celia say, "I pray that Rob will become a
paranoid in reverse. He will know that all of reality is always
conspiring to help him, and he will try to prove to everyone everywhere
that the same is true…

Sex, Abundance and Sustainability


With practice, we can use sex to move beyond the self-generated cycle of highs and lows and generate stable feelings of wholeness and inner peace that serve our collective best interest. Sex may be one of the most accessible fulcrums for shifting our collective mindset from recklessness and scarcity to abundance and sustainability.

Intentional Sexuality: Possibilities and Perils


An exploration of how "intentional sexuality" – or "sacred sexuality" – is used to reclaim the link between sexuality and spirituality, an ancient bond severed by the anti-carnal elements within early Christianity, Protestantism, and American Puritanism in its old and newer forms.

Too Much Fun?


I think we're meant to stop having fun, at some point, because of a sense of deeper responsibilities. And yet, I still find myself making choices that lead to more juiciness. On good days, I am at peace with this decision.

Sustainable Love


If we as a species cannot achieve sustainable love, then I don’t want
to be on this planet: trees or no trees, ice-caps or no ice-caps. There’s
a lot of work to do right now. A huge part of that work involves
re-learning how to love each other on romanti…

Sex, Lies and Osho

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Osho had the reputation of "sex ashram." Not that I had anything
against sex, but I wanted to go somewhere to heal from relationship
wounds. Men on the make, I feared, would simply rip up the scabs.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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