MicroFlowing and Cycle Syncing

RS MicroFlowing and Cycle Syncing 6

MicroFlow is a psilocybin microdosing program designed specifically to support women through their cycles. Check out our experience.

Psychedelics—Politics Aside 

RS Psychedelics—Politics Aside

Discover how psychedelics are fostering connection in a small-town barbershop, where people from all walks of life share stories of healing, hope, and mushrooms.

Mircodosing Before Yoga

microdosing before yoga

The healing properties from microdosing and yoga are often studied, so combining them may be life-altering. This is what happens when microdosing before yoga.

Can Psilocybin Get Rid of Fear?

study shows psilocybin removes or kills fear in mice 1

Psilocybin is at the forefront of so many amazing discoveries, especially in the mental health industry. And in the last decade, researchers have been curious to know if psilocybin can erase feelings of fear. According to a study conducted in 2013, the active element in psilocybin mushrooms may erase traumatic memories and promote new brain […]

Is Microdosing Psychedelics the New CBD?

is microdosing psychedelics the new cbd 2

Microdosing psychedelics has quickly become the trendier, light-hearted option to macro or hero doses and longer trips. Rather than using hallucinogenic substances as a way to trip, learning to adequately microdose can be beneficial in ways easily applied to everyday life. More popularly, microdosing psilocybin has helped countless people amidst the recent pandemic take control […]

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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