Grief and Carbon Reductionism

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People are not going to be frightened into caring about the climate. Scientific predictions about what will happen 50 years in the future are not going to make us care enough. We need to face the reality of loss.

Rainforest Hero


Bruno Manser bore witness as the basis of the existence of one of the most extraordinary nomadic cultures in the world was destroyed. His story deserves to be told because in a world tainted with greed, in which the violation of nature is the foundation of the global economy, his life and message stand apart as symbols of the geography of hope.

Architecture of the Universe – Gabriel Cavazos on PBM2L

Imagine a world where everything we build can help to heal the world. In this episode, we talk with bio-design engineer Gabriel Cavazos about his project ARCOTU, short for Architecture of the Universe, in which he uses Sacred Geometry in architecture.

In Defense of Homeopathy

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Since its inception over 200 years ago, homeopathy has been the target of almost constant antipathy from the prevailing school of orthodox medicine, yet it thrives—all across the globe—for a number of very good reasons.

Love in the Anthropocene

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Some things we have a choice in, and that means “control,” at least on the physical plane. Other things sweep us up, and we can only marvel at being part of the process: the spinning solar system, the spinning globe—and now the permanently altered environment which envelops us.

Toward the Sustainable Use of Iboga


Tabernanthe iboga may be disappearing from its natural habitat in the Central West African rainforest. Iboga is the most prolific source of ibogaine, an alkaloid that has been used since the 1980s as an experimental treatment for addiction.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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