Search Results for: basically

In this earnest defense of the recreational use of LSD, the author argues that recreation and therapy often overlap, challenging the stigma against non-medical psychedelics.
One of the biggest challenges of growing mushrooms is choosing the medium. Let's review how mushrooms grow, and explore various mushroom substrate options.
Want to grow your own mushrooms? Our guide has everything you need to know before buying a mushroom grow kit, including supplies, cost, and reviews.
Dive into Cascade Equinox 2023: exclusive insights from co-founder Josh Pollack.
Our ultimate guide to MDMA has everything you want to know about Ecstasy from how it was developed in 1912 to why it's being studied today.
Delic has partnered with celebrated artist Peter Schuyff to create wildly expressive pullover masks. Read our interview with Peter Schuyff.
Learn about techniques like Lemon tekking, or discover the right time to consume cannabis if you are looking to intensify a mushroom trip.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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