Search Results for: dimensionally

As the film "Icaros: A Vision" nears its US theatrical release, starting at Metrograph in New York City, the film’s producer and co-writer Abou Farman sits down with mediums and readers to see how his partner in life and art, Leonor Caraballo, feels about the film, her afterlife and other issues.
Magic may not be what we think it is. In fact, it may be very much more. It may in fact be everything, and everything that is not magic simply is not. In other words, life itself is magic.
The mechanistic view of the universe, where everything is separate, creates isolation and depression and loneliness and hopelessness. But when we step into this bigger picture of the Living Universe, then all of a sudden we are independent free agents, but we’re also supported by this deeper web of relationship that makes us feel empowered.
The pioneering spirits who are initiating and creating today's online groups, event-based gatherings, and physical communities are not trying to replicate the communes of the 1960s/1970s. Cohesive collectives are rewiring and redesigning social contracts to...
When we reach an edge in our process and are about to have a potential breakthrough, the psyche will oftentimes express itself in synchronistic phenomena. This is a sign that we have touched the archetypal dimension of our being.
Humanity plays a key role in the repair and restoration of the world. The purpose of evil is to provide a context for humanity's redemption, which puts evil, humanity, and God himself in their proper places within the cosmos.
The story of Terence and Dennis McKenna in contemporary mass consciousness is inextricably associated with the so-called "Experiment at La Chorrera." We were children of the 60s lured by the passion to discover something truly astonishing. Terence told the tale in True Hallucinations. But until the publication of my recent book, few had heard the story from my perspective. 
An Interdimensional Traveler must have a moral purpose, and must be aware of all the shrinking rays that press upon us. The price of freedom for the Traveler is eternal vigilance about the sticky enchantments that would like to bind us to the Babylon Matrix and turn us into hordes of automatons and hungry ghosts.
Salvia divinorum, also known as "Diviner's Sage," has been called "the most powerful hallucinogenic known to mankind" by enthusiasts on the net. So how does it feel to be on salvia with a camera phone in your face? In the post-Jackass, reality-TV generation nothing is sacred.

We’re now streaming consciousness and medicine music all day, every day. Turn on, tune in, drop out.

Hear from the RS community in our new video series, spotlighting shared experiences and stories with plant medicines, psychedelics, consciousness, dreams, meditation, etc.

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