February 11, join Dr. Jude Currivan and her guests for the live video webinar
"Healing Our People & Earth." A world shift is speeding up and it needs the engagement of all of us at this
crucial moment of potential global breakthrough. The course will empower us to
see beyond the mundane turbulence of the Shift, to understand its deep meaning
and higher purpose, and how the future of the world lies in our hands and minds
– and hearts. For this 4-session Evolver Intensive, produced by, Jude's guests will include Ervin Laszlo, Jim Garrison, and
Marilyn Schlitz.
As we
enter 2012, we're beginning a year that not only according to ancient
prophecies but unfolding and likely acceleration of world events could indeed
live up to its billing as the end of an era…..and then what?
If we
merely view the turmoil on the surface we would I believe miss a far more profound,
meaningful and hopeful understanding of the bigger picture of what is underway.
For me,
this bigger picture is a spiritually and cosmically influenced Shift of our
collective awareness; prophesied by mystics, astrologically timed and crucial
to our transforming an impending breakdown due to the limitations and ignorance
of our historic behaviors into a breakthrough to a new, empowered and enlightened future.
A piece
I initially wrote for my colleagues at sets the
evolutionary scene for this:
recent years, Darwin's evolutionary theory has been moderated to a view of slow
incremental modifications punctuated by rapid transformative changes. The
former applies during stable epochs, as the entire ecosystem and environment
gradually optimize their co-creative fitness. Revolutionary leaps, whether
biological or psychological, occur however because there is no other option.
times of great stress, when pre-existing environments, whether physical,
social, or both, become unsustainable, gradual change is no longer able to
maintain equilibrium and the forces of revolutionary evolution are energized.
the end of the last Ice Age, the relative stability of our global physical
environment has supported our consequentially gradual evolution. Whilst we have
come a long way in terms of technological adaptation, we've done so with
comparatively minimal increases in the level of our awareness. That disparity
has brought us to the current state of global unsustainability. And as famously
pointed out by Einstein, we can't to solve the issues that such awareness has
caused, without transcending its limited perspective.
now at a point in our collective evolution when there is no other option. Only
a revolutionary leap will suffice if we are to survive and evolve as a species.
Now though it's an evolutionary shift in consciousness rather than a biological
leap of species that is underway.
As with
all such revolutionary change, the impetus for such emergence arises not from
the dominant species of an ecosystem or the vested interests of the status quo,
those with the perception of having the most to lose by — and thus fearful of — change. Instead, in our collective
psyche at this pivotal moment the emergent awareness is being embraced by those
who are releasing the fears that have imprisoned them. With courage and hope,
they are striving towards a better future, not just for themselves but for the
greater good of people and planet.
The 2011
events of the Arab Awakening arose from a fire of despair that became a flame
of hope. Energized by a higher level of communal awareness and peaceful aspirations,
with enormous courage its momentum has inspired others to empower themselves.
As our collective awareness undertakes a worldshift, it is doing so in a
marvellously organic and co-creative way, led not by those invested in the
past, but those yearning to co-create a new era and especially the younger
generations of our human family.
its attempts to hold on, the old paradigm of centralized leadership, control
and hierarchical command is inevitably falling away, its outworn level of
perception giving way to the emergent consciousness embodied in the Shift. In
moving beyond the limited and often fear-based attitudes of politicians,
financiers and corporate leaders, the transformational urge of our collective
consciousness is finding its inspirational voice and its emergent empowerment
through the peaceful activism of people; the hitherto silent and often
subjugated majority.
This is
revolutionary evolution at work. This is worldshift in action.
* * *
Chinese glyph for 'crisis' embodies a two-fold meaning, intertwining both risk
and opportunity. The risk of our current crisis is our attempting to perpetuate
the unsustainability of the status quo; the opportunity is our having the
courage to embrace urgent and radical change. As the failing systems of rampant
and aggressive control and the lack of social, economic and environmental
justice fall away, we truly do now have the opportunity to transform ourselves
and our societies for the greater good of people and planet.
To do
so though, I believe we need to acknowledge, heal and energetically release the
archetypal patterns of psychological trauma we carry as a species; the wounds
and schisms that we re-energise and continue to play out at all scales from
individuals to nations and our collective psyche.
patterns of abandonment, betrayal, denial and abuse have embedded
themselves in our beliefs and so find expression in our fear-based behaviors.
elders describe the members of our human family by their colours — black, red, brown,
yellow and white. And they say that just as every single person plays their
unique role, so the larger ethnic and national groups also have their own
special contribution to make.
recognising that such larger groups are more complex than a single person,
nonetheless the cosmic hologram of consciousness plays out on these larger
scales the shared experience and same archetypal behaviors as do individuals.
As I
explain in my recent book HOPE and as healers do on a personal level, the
symptoms of national and group dis-eases can also be distilled to understand
how they arise from the deeper wounds and dysfunctional beliefs whose
characteristics continue to collectively bind and limit us.
Just as
with individuals, every nation embodies such karmic patterns from the past and
a bigger-picture approach can be applied to all member groups of our human
family as we seek to heal the schisms that have divided us for so long.
As for
our own personal inner healing, the opportunities for reconciliation and resoulution
lie in acknowledging and understanding those past traumas and outworn beliefs,
so as to be willing and able to release their hold and replace fear with love.
resoulutions are often very challenging — rarely easy! But if healing is to
occur, there's no other way.
benefits, however, of taking this collective journey of healing are literally
cosmic in scope. For as the elders say, if their fears and traumas can be
healed, each nation can then give great gifts to our entire human family and its
potential and greater destiny realized.
* * *
consider that there are three fundamental aspects to such collective healing and
our completing an evolutionary Shift of awareness.
first is the return of the divine heart-based feminine to the forefront of our
collective psyche and her balance with the divine mind-based masculine. These
cosmic aspects of consciousness play throughout our entire psyche regardless of
our physical gender. But as expressed within women the divine feminine has been
especially peripheralised and denigrated. The education of women and girls is
recognised by the UN as a fundamental investment in humanity. And the active
involvement of women at all levels and in all sectors of societies throughout
the world is crucial to our developing and implementing socially and
environmentally sustainable policies.
second aspect we need to consider is the transformation of our collective
worldview. The perspective of western science is that of a solely material
world which is random and meaningless and in which consciousness is merely the
accidental outcome of arbitrary evolutionary processes.
Such a
limited and disempowering outlook has brought us and Gaia to the edge of
The new
vision that's gaining ground is of the integral reality of the whole-world of
the Cosmos. Reconciling science and spirit, it grounds all our experiences in a
meaningful and spiritually based awareness of the oneness of All That Is and is
a vastly more empowering perception of our co-creative role in the Cosmos.
scientifically articulated vision of the whole-world offers us a bigger-picture
understanding that invites and inspires us to come together in community, to
treat each other with honesty and fairness and to literally ‘get' that we when
we hurt someone else, we injure ourselves.
when we heal ourselves, we heal each other.
third is that we need to fully realize that we are the ones we've been waiting
for. Rather than waiting for someone else to sort out the issues that we need
to re-soulve, or feeling that somehow they're too big to deal with, by finding
the courage within ourselves and overcoming the fear that has held us back, we
can fulfil our higher purpose in being here and now.
* * *
bigger picture of the potential transformation of 2012 and beyond also
engenders the powerful astrological influences of the so-called generational
outer planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto acting like an energetic attraction
and co-creating the tidal pull and push of the Shift in our collective psyche.
In late
2008 Pluto moved into Capricorn, where he'll stay until 2023. Capricorn is a
cardinal Earth sign associated with physical, social and economic structures.
And so Pluto's purpose during these critical years is to transform the
structure of society and the fundamental ways we live on and with Gaia.
role is to energize the transmutation of our worldview and ways of life and to
destroy that which will not support the Shift. He does so by revealing what's
been hidden and no longer serves us. But Pluto is an underworld archetype and
if we try to cling on to the unsustainable and fear-based behaviour of the
past, he will take us to the very bottom of the darkest pit to resolutely
fulfil his task of transformation.
first undertaking in Capricorn played out in the areas of financial
mismanagement, government corruption and environmental degradation. And it's
his influence that's already teaching us hard but necessary lessons about how
to have healthier relationships with money and the urgent need for economic
justice and greater equality.
involvement with power, authority and hierarchies means that Pluto's transit
will also bring down what is corrupt or incompetent in government,
corporations, organized religions and other forms of hierarchy.
needful destruction of what no longer serves our higher purpose is for our
greater transformation. As the outer structures of our unsustainable lives are
smashed, we can emerge like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. And the
core of what is true and sustainable can become the foundation for the way
the planet of revolution and awakening moved into the self-empowered Fire sign
of Aries in mid 2010, lighting the flames of people-powered revolutionary
movements around the world. Since July 2011 his influence of radical
empowerment to move towards economic, social and environmental justice has been
retrograde and thus directed inward, only to re-emerge into direct influence in
late December 2011. Throughout the first six months of 2012 his impact will
outwardly re-invigorate the many struggles for positive change and his
expressive influence will support a greater willingness to accelerate radical
new, fairer and more sustainable ways of living.
The revolutionary
fervour and the increasingly urgent realization that things must change will be
highlighted between 2012 and 2015 by an extraordinary series of seven exact
square alignments between Uranus and Pluto, which will act as progressive
crossroads and triggers for transformational change and whose influence will
continue to affect world events for many years to come.
The first square alignment takes
place on 24 June 2012, just after the highly significant transit by Venus of
the Sun that completes at dawn on 6 June and the solstice that follows on 21
June. Venus transits of the Sun take place in pairs eight years apart, but only
every 120 years or so. The first of the current pair of transits took place on
8 June 2004 in Gemini, the sign of the heavenly twins, which is the sign of
communication and the embodiment of our twin human-divine nature.
Historically, such transits in
Gemini of the planet of relationship have enabled greater levels of
communication to bring humanity closer together. This has been reflected this
time by the eruption in global telecommunications and social networking since
The 2012 transit, though, could be
even more momentous in energizing our human-divine consciousness, perhaps
helping us reconcile the left and right attributes of our minds and reunite our
minds with our hearts and the divine masculine and feminine aspects of our
influence of Neptune that guides our perception of reality is key to the Shift,
too, as it will shape how we explore our unfolding understanding of the cosmic
hologram and negotiate the transformation of our worldview.
in the sign of Aquarius, Neptune has just completed his first 'visible' full
orbit of the Sun and astrologers think that this fully embodies his influence
within our collective consciousness.
For the
last 13 years or so Neptune has been travelling through the sign in which he
was discovered and has thus been energizing the coming Age of Aquarius. Between
April and August 2011 he moved into his home sign, Pisces, reflecting the
transcendental nature of the enlightened human being. After briefly pulling
back into Aquarius until February 2012, he will then re-enter Pisces, to remain
there for the next 13 crucial years.
him in Pisces, are we on the threshold of evolving from digital communications
to conscious communications? As the mutable sign of Water, Pisces also holds
its highest elemental vibration. And so the presence of Neptune, named after
the Roman god of the oceans, generates a powerful healing opportunity for both
the emotional waters within us and the waters of Gaia.
And to
ensure the maximum cosmic support for such re-soulution of our collective
psyche, the planetoid Chiron, representing the wounded healer of our hitherto
dis-membered psyche joins Neptune in Pisces until 2019, encouraging us to have
the courage to heal at the deepest levels of our being.
in Pisces does present the risk of compulsive behaviour which retreats into the
illusory anaesthetic of addiction instead of showing a willingness to overcome
the fear and challenges that will accompany our personal and collective
healing. But if we're prepared to work with Chiron's energetic guidance, we can
emerge from this period in-to-greated and able to fully embody our cosmic
inner healing offered by Chiron, the revolutionary and empowering nature of
Uranus, the altruistic higher purpose of Neptune and the unremittingly visible
and transformative influence of Pluto are all powerfully facilitating our
collective Shift in the years to come. But only we can manifest our destiny by discovering the courage within
ourselves to heal and re-member the cosmic destiny that we chose to be here and
now to fulfil.
* * *
Both as
a healer and in my own life, I know that I make things unnecessarily
complicated if I focus disproportionately on my head rather than coming from
the simpler and more profound wisdom of my heart. I've learned, sometimes the
hard way, that my heart knows what's right, and I believe all of us do too,
although we often deny or dismiss it and retreat into the often fear-based
rationales of our minds.
But the
Shift is offering us all the opportunity to take a collective leap into the
transpersonal awareness of the universal heart. And by in-to-greating our
hearts, minds and purpose in that higher level of love, we can access on both
personal and collective levels the insights, inspiration and co-creative
empowerment to release ourselves from the limitations of the past.
developments in organizations, technologies and societies are accelerating;
they are extraordinary in that there are often no identifiable leaders as such,
or if there are, they are facilitators of the whole. Structures are essentially
transmuting from rigid and hierarchical organizations to holographically
intelligent organisms.
emergence is fundamental to our collective Shift that's not only enabling us to
in-to-great our human psyche but also empowering us to expand our awareness to
commune with the consciousness of Gaia. The bigger-picture astrological
influences of our Solar System and our ability to align with them at ever-greater
levels of awareness are also supporting our collective healing. And ultimately
we are re-membering who we really
are; eternal spiritual beings, all of us microcosms of the oneness of a
multidimensional Cosmos.
Image courtesy of NASA Goddard Photo and Video.