More results from the physical mediumship experiments conducted by the Felix Circle in Germany, clinical interest in exceptional experiences continues to grow, Near Death Experiencers don’t fear the reaper, and University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers continue to show results that meditation helps people develop compassion in this week’s Psi in the News.
- This Friday and Saturday, Dr. Tim Brigham and I will be in Durham, North Carolina to attend Real Government Psychic Spies: The Inside Story, a two day event with Joseph McMoneagle and Ed May hosted by the Rhine Research Center. (Rhine Research Center)
- Steven Braude’s recent trip to the Felix Circle in Germany to record and investigate reported physical mediumship phenomena (apports, ectoplasm, levitation, etc.) continues to produce further public reports. (Felix Circle)
- A new post at the International Academy of Consciousness blog looks back on the Out of Body Experience research of Dr. Charles Tart. (International Academy of Consciousness)
- In an article for the Daily Mail author Fay Weldon discusses how a Near Death Experience at the age of 17 left her with no fear of mortality and a deeper sense of the universes benign nature. (Daily Mail)
- Another article recounts the experience of a cyclist from Houston, Texas whose NDE after a heart attack while cycling lead also lead to a more developed sense of integration with existence. (KHOU Houston)
- Ingrid Peshke reports on a recent appearance of Dr. Eben Alexander, whose NDE lead him to reconnect with his Christian upbringing. (Wicked Local)
- Carlos Alvarado, Visiting Scholar at the Rhine Research Center, draws our attention to two recent journal articles reflecting clinical interest in exceptional experiences. (Parapsychology – News, History, Research)
- Alexander De Foe writes on how this focus requires a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of what constitutes a legitimate mental illness, and what is a constructive or personally relevant exceptional experience. (The Conversation)
- Dean Radin’s upcoming book, Supernormal, looks at the implications of consciousness studies and some of the accounts surrounding Buddhist and Hindu siddhis, or exceptional human capacities cultivated through advanced training. A recent paper from the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the Waisman Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison discusses some of the current research supporting these comparisons, with a meditation study which demonstrates the ability to train people in compassion. (News Track India)
- Imaginary friends or discarnate visitors? A South Jersey Times piece on children communicating with spirits draws a comment section filled with ire. (South Jersey Times)
- As detailed in this recent blog post from Freaky Folk Tales, The Brooklyn Society for the Extermination of Ghosts and Dispelling of Haunted House Illusions, an early 20th century skeptical society, would have approved of this reception. (Freaky Folk Tales)
- Dr. Greg Jenkins has uploaded a paper to titled The Stone Tape Theory: Principles and Possibilities, which looks at the idea of apparitional place memories created by heightened emotional states. (
- Author Stafford Betty takes on the topic of “Scientific Fundamentalistm” in a new post up at the White Crow Books website. (White Crow Books)
- Robert Mcluhan discusses “A European Reincarnation-type Case” which was recently reported in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. (Paranormalia)
- Gary Mannions recently discovered the world of mediumship and psychic art in an episode of his weekly podcast. (Gary Mannions discovers the world)
- While some psychic detectives prove spectacular public failures, others succeed, as shown in this brief, but glowing report from Washington about a found horse. (Breitbart)
Note: Special thanks to Tom Ruffles, of the Society for Psychical Research, John Kruth, of the Rhine Research Center, and Jack Hunter, Editor at Paranthropology Journal, for a number of links included in this edition of Reality Sandwich’s Psi-in-the-News.