Dr. Andreas Sommer discusses the developmental history of the poltergeist, Dr. Ray Hyman tells us how to deal with dubious claims, Robert McLuhan discusses unghostly ghosts, and more in this edition of psi in the news.
- On October 8th and 15th, dream researcher Ryan Hurd will be offering a workshop on Lucid Dreaming: Exploring Self Awareness in Dreams, at the Mt. Airy Learning Tree in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Mt. Airy Learning Tree)
- On October 24th, photographer Shannon Taggart and Liminal Analytics will be presenting Dr. Stanley Krippner at the Observatory – Brooklyn for an illustrated lecture on his participation in dream telepathy research, with Dr. Montague Ullman, at Brooklyn’s Maimonides Medical Center during the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. (Observatory – Brooklyn)
- On October 28th, author Stacy Horn will be presenting a talk at the Observatory – Brooklyn discussing her research into the legacy of Dr. J.B. Rhine and the Duke University parapsychology lab, which lead to her book Unbelievable. (Observatory – Brooklyn)
- Artist and Parapsychology Foundation film archivist Susan Macwilliam's latest work also looks at the legacy Dr. J.B. Rhine, and is on display at the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery until October 13th, 2013. (Northampton Museum and Art Gallery)
- A recent piece in the Northamptonshire Telegraph provides additional details on Macwilliam’s show. (Northamptonshire Telegraph)
- The Rhine Research Center’s Dr. Nancy Zingrone has been dilligently adding a number of introductory primers on parapsychological topics up on her YouTube channel. (Dr. Nancy Zingrone)
- She has also created a series of video website primers for The Parapsychologyical Foundation and the Rhine Research Center.
- Dr. Andreas Sommer, Cambridge University, has a detailed article up on the history and development of our concepts of the poltergeist phenomena. (Forbidden Histories)
- The Rhine Research Center’s Visiting Scholar, Carlos Alvarado, has a profile piece up on Dr. Julia Mossbridge, Northwestern University, who was a co-author on a recent meta-analysis that shows evidence for precognition. (Parapsychology: News, History, Research)
- In another recent post Alvarado points us to the work of Hideyuki Kokubo, and his article in the NeuroQuantology journal on a “Biophysical Approach to Psi Phenomena.” (Parapsychology: News, History, Research)
- Craig Weiler, of the Weiler Psi Blog, discusses the challenges of keeping accurate information in Wikipedia profiles dedicated to psi research. (Weiler Psi Blog)
- Gary Truce, professor of health and wellness at the Decker School of Nursing, recently gave a talk for Birmingham University’s “Arts & Minds” lecture series on his experiences in parapsychology, titled “Paranormal Occurrences & Spirit Phenomena: Practical Experiences in Haunting & Spirit Investigations,” (Pipe Dreams)
- In a recent Times of India interview, sleep physician, Dr Sushant Meshram, discusses precognitive dreams and the importance of understanding the nature of sleep for overall health. (Times of India)
- Hauntings are often portrayed as ephemeral things, however, a recent post from Robert McLuhan brings up the rare instance of unghostly ghosts. What happens to hallucinatory arguments when specters are more solid? (Paranormalia)
- ?Dr. Jim Tucker, University of Virginia, discusses his continuation of Dr. Ian Stevenson’s reincarnation research, in an interview with Nelson Abreu, for the International Association of Consciousness. (Conciousness Radio)
- The James Randi Educational Foundation presents a 10 lecture series from psychologist, Dr. Ray Hyman, on ‘How to think about dubious claims.’ (James Randi Educational Foundation)
- In the latest issue of The Psychologist, the journal of the British Psychological Society, Chris French, University of London, writes on some considerations psychologists should have when dealing with extraordinary claims. (The Psychologist)
- A new article up on The Eyeless Owl discusses the lack of reliable reportage on anomalistic science, and how this affects the public understanding (including most scientists, clinicians and researchers outside of parapsychology) when considering our understanding of what is truly dubious or extraordinary. (The Eyeless Owl)
- Marc Demarest and the fine folks at the International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals have a host of new material uploaded to the archives. Demarest reports that, unfortunately, some of the scans of the Spiritualist Newspaper periodical are nearly unreadable due to an error during their filming. (Chasing Down Emma)
- Jean Charles Chabot chats with Alex Tsakiris about the use of hypnotic regression as a tool for personal growth, on the Skeptiko podcast’s 222nd episode. (Skeptiko)??
- Flaming spook is girl psychic. Need I say more? (Weird Shit in Historic Newspapers)
Note: Special thanks to Tom Ruffles, of the Society for Psychical Research, John Kruth, of the Rhine Research Center, and Jack Hunter, Editor at Paranthropology Journal, for a number of links included in this edition of Reality Sandwich’s Psi-in-the-News.