The Psychedelic Mindmeld is two people coming together using psychedelics in deep meditation to meet each other in the spaciousness of universal or cosmic consciousness, a field of infinite possibility. Participants use psychedelics to dislodge the dominance of the ego to fuse a psychic, telepathic link and manifest a co-creative and shared experience. The dyad experiences its “interbeingness.” In this telepathic union, energetic physical and psychic contents arising from consciousness can be shared.
The co-creative process involves the transfer of—and, possibly, the total symbiotic absorption in—the contents of shared experience. Participants can also modify or process the shared contents, including physical and psychic energetic discharges. Here, the human vessel is a receiver, perceiver, and transceiver of energetic physical and psychic content. To understand what is shared is to explore the nature of physical energy as manifested in the human body and the nature of psychic energy as it arises in the conscious awareness of the human mind. (Techniques to induce the mindmeld can be found in the book The Psychedelic Mindmeld: Telepathically Exploring Shared Consciousness.)
In physical telepathic exchange, it is possible to tune into the physical energy of the other. Much like the work of an osteopath, one body can be magnetically drawn to the other, usually towards energetic blockages, to perform tissue massage and loosen up blockages for release. Energetic releases can encompass vibration, purging, vocalizing, and movement. This movement of energy can blend with felt experiences of catharsis or abreaction, relieving emotional armoring and emotional distress (e.g., repressed grief, shame, guilt, anger) from the body via uninhibited free expression.
Psychedelic Mindmeld: The Telepathic Exchange
In a Psychedelic Mindmeld, both people can telepathically experience the catharsis or abreaction. It may also happen that one person takes the lead, doing physical work on the other and processing their energy as though it were their own. In either case, participants can process blocked energies and increase the flow of energy and enhance homeostasis in their bodies.
At a psychic level, sharing thoughts, emotional states, and access to superconsciousness and nondual states is possible. An exchange of thoughts can be from memories, the present, or future possibilities. Unconscious contents can be accessed, including shadow elements of each individual: the disowned, undesirable, or rejected parts of the personality that the ego ignores, subordinates, or annihilates to maintain an idealized self-image.
When impulses erupt from a participant’s shadowy repositories, unpleasant emotions like fear, greed, jealousy, hatred, loneliness, hopelessness, and inferiority can manifest in one another’s experience. Sharing emotions can also be connected to processing individual historical trauma, including perinatal trauma. Repressed and uncomfortable emotions can surface, with the associated discomfort of moving blocked physical energy.
Emotions arising in the field of awareness can include grief, sadness, depression, disappointment, anxiety, and more, each with its unique energetic expression. Conversely, beautiful and ecstatic states such as bliss, joy, transcendental peace, and serenity can manifest when people reach into the true inner core, the center of themselves and the collective unconscious. The joint exploration of emotional processes can induce psychic expansiveness, enhance cognitive fluidity, and creatively lead to attitudinal changes and greater internal harmony. This co-creative exercise of communion can lead to physical and mental healing and regeneration.
Transpersonal Exploration and Nondual Awareness
At the transpersonal level, participants can share ancestral, racial, collective, and phylogenetic memories. Accessing superconsciousness opens up shared access to the collective wisdom of humans and all living things and a connection to the Creator, the Divine, or God. It becomes possible to reach into the archetypal. Archetypes are timeless, primordial principles, patterns, and configurations underlying and informing the fabric, the form, of the material world. They inform and give shape to both individual and collective human behavior.
Examples of archetypes include the hero’s journey, the Great Mother, the Terrible Mother, the Great Flood, the resurrection of godly or spiritual figures, or the cycles of birth, aging, dying, death, and rebirth. Partners can together be confronted with visions of mass death, dismemberment, and apocalypse, and conversely, the birth of creation and cosmic unity.
Participants can also jointly journey to other worlds and dimensions. In these destinations, it is possible to meet and interact with discarnate beings (e.g., aliens, ex-galactics, elementals, entities, plant teachers, spirit guides, spirit animals, therianthropic beings, souls, deities, angels, demons, monsters, and more).
States of nondual awareness can be shared. Nondual awareness is a state of consciousness that drops the vagaries of the judgmental egoic mind, where the chatter in one’s mind stops, and the experience is of pure divine perfection and completeness in the interconnectedness of the All. In nondual states of consciousness, there is no separation: duality is dropped.
There is no distinction between subject (the active living “I”) and object (the “other” in the field of awareness)—both participants are absorbed in unity consciousness. It is infinite; it is radiant; it is immanent; it is conscious, aware, and alive. These experiences elicit philosophical ideas of monism, panpsychism, and pantheism. The origin of primordial love is found at this center as the divine flow of energy holding the universe together as one infinite living phenomenon.
Risks, Rewards, and the Evolution of Consciousness
The psychedelic mindmeld is a joint undertaking into unknown territory where the unpredictable is guaranteed once egoic control is released. To enter this space is dangerous and exciting, precipitous and rewarding. The work requires incredible trust, clearly defined safe and respected boundaries, and a willingness to become completely transparent with one’s partner. Previous experience working with psychedelics is highly recommended.
While science struggles to prove such psi ability is “real” empirically, what matters to us as explorers of consciousness is the experience itself. The psychedelic mindmeld can stretch the experience of ourselves in connection with others, broadening our views of human capacity and potential and possibly contributing to the evolution of consciousness itself. In my book, the Psychedelic Mindmeld, I invite you to experience your most complete, courageous, honest, ethical, and cosmic self.