Can we as a collective re-frame our perspective of the Oil Spill into that of a miracle? I realized tonight that we as a humanity all co-created this event for us to come into clarity as one humanity. As my friend, Tao, says: “Unify or Die.” The time of the Lone Wolf is over, and we must come together and work together as One Humanity in order to transform this miraculous event and bring the spill and our efforts into balance.
As I spent time considering it today, I realized that the people who created this experience, specifically BP, the government, the corporations and their decision making factions, have lived their lives within a very narrow framework of reality, limited by their myopic box of what reality is, and that this event will force themselves to begin to broaden their perspectives and choices in order to drastically transform this problem. It is only when the people in BP, Halliburton and TransOcean come to really humble themselves to the Power and Sentience of our Great Mother Earth, that they will begin to make huge changes in their decisions. Hopefully this event will cause serious pause and a dramatic change of action in their future choices, and will force them to realize that the methods they are employing to clean up the problem are going to need to be radically re-evaluated, and sustainable choices, earth-centric choices will need to be activated in order to make it work. Which will mean that they will quickly approach a point in which they realize that they can’t do it all on their own; they can’t hide behind their media blackouts, they can’t hide behind their cloaked walls and use their antiquated, old paradigm techniques, because they just won’t work. They will have to think outside of the box, and they will have to approach creative visionaries with a sustainable perspective in order to right their wrongs.
For example, let’s look at Paul Stamets offering of using Mycoremediation in order to clean up the Oil Spill. They won’t turn to these “progressive” techniques until the Eleventh Hour, when all else has failed. This will force them to open their jar a little wider, open their tight circle to include the rest of humanity and their knowledge. Thus, this could be a hugely humbling and heart-opening opportunity for all parties involved. Because when they realize that there truly is a higher power at work, orchestrating this entire event, they will come to see that in fact – they created this event and are working on behalf of all humanity to evolve to the next level of the spiral ladder, transforming and evolving humanity as a collective. We will quickly approach the time in which there can no longer be an “Us Versus Them” mentality, of “Us normal people” and “Those Evil, Greedy Corporations”. Because ALL HUMANITY will be affected by this spill.
BP and the other corporations involved will reap an enormous debt, which should hopefully trigger them to re-evaluate their decision making process in the future. Is it really worth it for them to pursue these projects, when there are other options that are so much safer and more sustainable for humanity in the long run? On a financial level, NO, because the risk of losing so much money to lost Oil and the clean-up projects is enormous. And then there is the impact it will make, not only upon the health of all the wildlife and waters in the immediate, but also the impact on the health of their own bodies and those of their communities and loved ones. When people see how the toxic gasses and fumes are carcinogenic and toxic, and the level of toxicity spreads throughout the region, causing a massive health crisis – people will see that these choices are not the best choices to pursue.
We always have a choice in the matter, and ultimately – none of us is an Island, a “Lone Wolf” – we all have loved ones in our lives – even those in the Oil Corporations. And seeing the people they care about suffer as a result of this Oil Spill should trigger a huge wave of compassion, humility and change.
But I see all of humanity as having co-created this event. Not only by buying Oil for our vehicles on a daily basis, but by creating a huge schism in humanity of that separatist, Us Versus Them mentality, in which “We Earth-Conscious, Eco-Conscious, Sustainable, Permaculture” advocates have demonized and separated from those we deem as Evil, Greedy and Corporate. I think that as a collective of Eco-Conscious consumers, we have created this event as part of the wave of energy sent to the Corporations, demanding a change towards a sustainable future, with sustainable energy technologies. We have worked with the Earth to create this event. In many ways, I envision the oil spill as the army of Ents, the trees in the forest all banding together, picking themselves up to fight against Saruman and Sauron, in the Lord of the Rings. Or drawing comparison to Avatar, the Oil is like the army of wild animals and the spirit weaving together the Forest, summoned from the center of the Earth to send a very strong message to those who delusionally think they are in Power. We have summoned this wave of oil to gush forth, to fight battle against these oppressive, greedy corporations that have been doing their business, mostly unchecked, for so long. We have summoned this wave of oil from the Earth to bring these people back into awareness of the inherent Power, Vitality and Sacredness of Life that they have been desecrating.
Yes, we all want the Oil to stop gushing, and we want the Marine Wildlife to not be endangered, and we want to send prayers for this madness to stop. But, can we look at the possible Beauty of what the Earth Mother is saying to us all? She has opened a direct line of communication with humanity in this event. This event was preceded by several enormous earthquakes and hurricanes, in which the Inherent POWER of the Earth Mother humbled us, and in which the flawed responses of the Governmental and Corporate powers rose to the surface.
What has not yet been dealt with is the Source of this situation; the underlying patterns that triggered this event. This oil spill was created in direct response to undealt with emotional traumas in the bodies of all those involved who created it. This oil spill will force all those undealt with traumas and angers to rise to the surface and explode, just like the Oil. These people are going mad because they created something so blatantly disgusting to the rest of humanity; we as a collective have to look at this, gaze at it ever so deeply and really see what’s going on, not just on the surface of the glossy, rainbow slick water, but what’s going on in the depths of it.
I believe that dealing with ceasing the Oil Gushing is only one avenue for cleaning this up, but the underlying emotional traumas are so much more significant – because they affect all of humanity at the core level. It is time that we as a people stop ignoring the emotional imbalances in these evil, greedy Corporate people, and really help them to process, heal and transform the underlying traumas that are at the heart of each and every person involved – realizing that they go back to their ancestors beyond them. This is about healing and transforming the legacy of our forebears, those people that taught us to behave in ways that are in blatant disregard for the Earth, for other people, acting with arrogant hubris, having no concern for others but only their own Bank Accounts.
I want to see a sacred space being held for those that are at the epicenter of this traumatic event. I want to see them allowed to truly grieve; to process their emotions, their anger, their rage, their feelings of insecurity and powerlessness. I want to see these people compassionately Loved, despite making such tragically huge mistakes that will effect the lives and health of countless others. Yes, there is much reason to be angry and to respond to them vindictively; to place a curse on their heads and destroy them. But is that really going to transform the root cause of this behavior? Is that really going solve the problem we have as One Humanity? I do not believe so.
The underlying traumas of shame, endless years of stress, abuse & fear of power & dominance, and lack of respect for the Mother – these are some of the underlying emotional sources of these people and their undealt with problems. This event will push all of that to the surface, and some of them will come to realize that. Some of them will come to realize that there is a Powerful, Humbling being that they are digging into. Some of them will come to realize that reality is not just surface level Rock and Concrete and Material to be used and exploited. It is only by being Humbled by the undeniable Power and Majesty of the Earth Mother herself that we will work to live in right resonance with her.
There is a reason why Native Americans and Indigenous people always sought to worship and give offerings to Power Spots and to the Earth, because they rightfully recognized that they were in the presence of a being much more powerful than they. They sought to live in harmony and balance with that power, because they recognized that at any time, their villages could be destroyed by any number of natural disasters; earthquakes, tornados, lava eruptions, drought, or extreme cold.
I now seek to look at this traumatic event through the lens of gratitude, because I know through hard-won experience that most of the miracles and blessings in my life were delivered to me in the most horrifying, disturbing, traumatic package. I have experienced over and over again that on first glance what seems like a huge catastrophe and cause for total meltdown and anger were actually blessings in disguise. Sometimes, though, it’s not able to discern that until the initial wave of shock passes, and you’re able to be with what is, and just surrender to it. Things always happen for a reason, and in my experience, things happen because they are divinely guided. And so, I want to re-examine our response to this Oil Spill from the vision of Divine Guidance, because I believe in total trust of that Divine Guidance – it has given me total and complete fearlessness, because it has taught me that I will always be caught and supported, even in that moment of despair.
And so, I say to you: Why be afraid? Why be worried? I’m not worried; all things change. Change is the only certainty in life, and transience is the way of life. We knew this was coming, because we chose this. And we all know that the old paradigm is shifting and collapsing as we daily walk ever closer to Solstice 2012.