Radical Interdependence and Online Telepathy: How Twitter Helps Us Find One Another

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It’s springtime in New Orleans after 2 and a half years of
winter. A rebirth has begun — new flowers are blooming along the sides
of streets that were once underwater. I was there for a sunshine-filled
week in April during French Quarter fest. Musicians played out on the
streets in their fedoras and shades and none of the clubs charged a
cover. I’d never been to the city before and felt welcomed by its
chilled out vibe and music at every corner — but also by its open, at
times jarring displays of pain and lonesomeness — some somber, some
festive, and some that were both at once. This lack of pretense sets
the stage for a very liberated yet melancholic scene: the blues that
made the city famous have themselves been beaten a deep, steel drum
azure to match the nighttime skies over the levees. All that’s left is
to play it — to bang on the stars and let the world know that this
mythical place is rising again.

I went to check it out and
saw firsthand the NEW New Orleans that I’d been reading about in
colorful dispatches NOT found in the national news — which has long
since moved on from chronicling the city’s grim struggle — but in the
form of the triumphantly poetical “tweets” of a woman named Evelyn
Rodriguez, or “eve11” as she calls herself on Twitter, the
micro-blogging social network where I hang out online. A Twitter user
publishes “tweets,” or tiny posts of 140 characters about whatever it
is they’re doing — however banal or inadvertently poetical — “everything
from what they had for lunch, or what airport they’re stuck in…to
profound declarations of revolutionary activism and links to emerging
tech tools”
— for a group of followers who have added them to the
list of people from whom they want to receive tweets. These can be
people they already know in real life or online, or they can be total
strangers that they find through Twitter itself or a Twitter search
engine such as Summize.

tweets heralded a Southern hipster/zydeco punk peer-to-peer renaissance
that was a citywide version of the kind of awakening that I was
experiencing on a personal level. Her messages of hope and resiliency
came at just the right time, in just the right way, and were the
tickertape proof that the profound change that I felt in my own life
was happening all around the world and that I didn’t want to keep quiet
about it anymore.

This isn’t really the right way to put it
— as Evelyn would surely agree; it’s hard to make sense out of
enlightenment with words, but here goes:

I’ve realized that
we’re in the midst of a speeding up of the rate of exchange between our
thoughts and desires on the so-called “inside” and that which actually
happens on the so-called “outside”…a speeding up which will eventually
prove such distinctions between inside and outside to be arbitrary in
the first place…

(but more on that later)

Twitter is
perhaps the most fluid of all the major social networks. When I’m on
Twitter I’m tuning into “collective life streams” as opposed to
interacting as a member of a criteria-based group. The fact that
Twitter is mobile and able to be used by text messaging via cell phones
provides new possibilities for making the most out of “between”
moments. Many people find the time to tweet as they travel between the
places where groups meet — in other words, when they are outside of
the group and defined only by their individuality. This in turn opens
them up to the possibility of finding new groups from far flung places
on the social graph. Tweets take place in taxi cabs and in airports,
while waiting for trams and waiting for a concert to start. A group
could be formed around people who are fans of a movie — or around
passengers stranded together at an airport who use Twitter to craft a
“real time” letter of complaint to an airline CEO. Twitter is about
being untethered from the world of heavy buildings and offices and
computers, but at the same time being aware and informed. The more
people you follow, the wider net you cast with which to gather
information. I follow fewer people than many and I still hear about
most breaking international, national and citywide news from someone on
Twitter first.

Twitter is a great tool for DIY,
self-organizing “un-groups” such as the stranded airline passengers
mentioned above. As the name would imply, an un-group doesn’t have a
membership policy or an explicitly agreed upon set of rules and
hierarchies. Un-groups aren’t meant to be solemn brother or sisterhoods
that one swears an oath to uphold. They are the practical, quick and
easy collaborative attempts to solve any number of problems. What’s
more, the specificity of the un-groups makes it such that belonging to
one doesn’t define you as a person — perhaps you work as an executive
for Phillip Morris trying to figure out how to sell more cigarettes but
also coordinate your neighborhood’s recycling efforts in a city or a
town where the municipality refuses to do it.

We live in a
society that has learned to accommodate such contradictions. For most
people it’s not (yet?) about giving up their former lives — they’re
still trying to fit the change that’s underway within their lives as
they currently exist, instead of allowing the change to dismantle the
old framework entirely. The good news is that the revolution/evolution
only needs the exact amount of time and the exact amount of resources
that you’re able to give to it. Not everyone is ready to leave behind
every single vestige of the old way of being behind–nor is that
necessarily what is required. Enlightenment isn’t about becoming
someone else, but becoming more uniquely YOU:

“There’s a myth
that awakening and the ever-unfolding enlightening is only for saints,
Buddhists, someone holier than thou, someone special,
someone-anyone-else. (Ha! I’m totally busting the saint archetype – my
imperfections have never been more glaringly obvious and wholly okay.)
We think we’d become something Other, maybe we’ll morph into Mother
Teresa or Jesus or Buddha or Joan of Arc or god knows. That’s not it —
we become more nakedly ourselves, without the burden of maintaining an
awkward and cumbersome image of ourselves (we most certainly do not
become anyone else).”–Evelyn

The old, outdated structures are cracking and tumbling down under the
weight of their own overhead. We’re entering an entirely new paradigm,
not just a change of power in the old. Obama becoming President, as
great as he seems to be, is not what’s going to make this huge change
happen. Things will change forever when people all across the globe
realize that they can effectively organize without big corporations,
the church or the government and that a new level of power to the
people is FREE for the taking. The effects of the proliferation of
these new kinds of un-groups (which is to say, new, non traditional
groups) is the focus of Internet Analyst Clay Shirky’s book, Here Comes

“The increase in the power of both individuals and
groups, outside traditional organizational structures, is
unprecedented. Many institutions we rely on today will not survive this
change without significant alteration and the more an institution or
industry relies on information as its core product, the greater and
more complete the change will be. The linking of symmetrical
participation and amateur production makes this period of change
remarkable. Symmetrical participation means that once people have the
capacity to receive information, they have the capability to send it as
well. Owing a television does not give you the ability to make TV
shows, but owning a computer means that you can create as well as
receive many kinds of content, from the written word through sound and
images. Amateur production, the result of all this new capability,
means that the category of ‘consumer’ is now a temporary behavior
rather than a permanent identity.”–(Clay Shirky, Here Comes Everybody, 107-108)

This is the cultural equivalent of a multi-million person flash mob —
since there isn’t an official group to raid, censor or arrest, the
revolution of the un-group can’t be stopped or adequately contained —
at best it can be temporarily aggregated in community nooks and
crannies. It turns out that we don’t need to spend the time and energy
to be a part of highly structured groups with large overhead costs and
time-sucking bureaucracies. Acting as non-managed, highly motivated
un-groups of individuals tends to be a more effective and efficient way
of doing things. An example of this is the tremendous growth of Wikipedia,
the online, user-generated encyclopedia. This unmanaged, unpaid,
ungroup effort is the result of over 100 million hours of work. The
cost of managing a project of this scale would have been astronomical
— but in the case of Wikipedia, the un-group worked collaboratively
and the product came together organically.

Evelyn’s tweets made me realize that the crossover was happening — that this new way of self-organizing had spread offline.

Sure there are kids who are wide AWAKE in every city in every country
but in order for a really new way of being to truly take hold, the old
way of doing things to be called into question and/or done away with
altogether. As everyone knows, most of New Orleans was left to drown
after Katrina — a botched and tardy response by all responsible
governmental agencies went largely unpunished even after “You’re doin a
heck of a job, Brownie,” and similar media bites were broadcast
endlessly around the world. Many poorer residents who survived were
given one-way tickets out of the city, in some cases as far away as
Utah, and not offered a viable way to return home. Some are scared to
come back, upon hearing reports of increased crime and levees that
still aren’t fully repaired. “Why should I let them finish me off?” is
the reasoning of some.

If there was ever a place in which a
brand new way of living could take root in America, this was it. Based
on eve11’s tweets, a new America is exactly what is being dreamed into

eve11: OH, an hour ago: “This is so New Orleans, I love it.” Ref’ing Casey’s Cozmic Drum Cage Interplanetary Rhythm” installation.

Couldn’t describe half these hacked diginstruments at NoizeFest. Music
may not be entirely my scene, but I love backyard roadshows anyhow.

Chaz Fest is quintessentially New Orleans. DIY, hand-drawn signs, live
local bands, homecooked (yum crawfish dumplings) in funky backyard.

aloud of a New Orleans neo-renaissance BarCamp-style unconference for
grassroots folks to dream, ignite, share.Maybe at XO Studios.

I quickly became addicted to these “verbal snapshots” about a
renaissance that she likened to a start-up at a city/neighborhood
level. Healers, activists and social entrepreneurs were moving into the
frontierland of the still decimated flood ravaged neighborhoods and
turning garbage into gold. She told of barter galleries and the
organization “Food Not Bombs” offering weekly free meals made from food
rescued from grocery store dumpsters. She reported upon the politicized
messages and murals that the city’s graffiti artists put up as well as
their ongoing war against the “Gray Ghost”, an angry ex-marine waging
his one man war against graffiti. He covers it up wherever he finds it
(including historical buildings or street signs) with a coat of gray
paint that is in many cases more unwanted than the original graffiti.
Despite this ex-marine’s vigilante efforts, the artists persist,
tagging walls with slogans such as “Disobedience is progress” and “We
have a lot of ? work to do”.

There were art shows on front lawns and inside old multi-family
“shotgun” houses (named so because of their long, barrel like design)
and abandoned homes that had themselves been turned into pieces of
art–like the one filled with dirt that’s literally blooming with
flowers from its windows, nooks and crevices with flowers. One friend
of hers owned two houses — one was destroyed by Katrina, another by a
fire. She tweeted about how he rebuilt one and cleared out the lot of
the second–his plan being to turn it into a communal shamanic garden

Twitter’s “rushing river of brevities”– as described
by the web usability analyst and social media specialist (as well as
noise musician and anarchist) Vaspers the Grate
— is well suited for brainstorming new possibilities. The
juxtapositions have a Beat-like quality to them of being startling
enough to suggest new ideas and connections. The way in which the
immediacy of the cut-up effect takes precedence over the actual content
of the tweets resembles Burroughs’ recipe for finding what he referred
to as “intersection points” in his essay, “In Present Time”:

“Now try this take a walk a bus a taxi do a few errands sit down
somewhere drink a coffee watch tv look through the papers now return to
your place and write what you have just seen heard felt thought with
particular attention to precise intersection points.” -William
Burroughs, “In Present Time”

His instructions sound a lot
like the transcript from a typical afternoon’s worth of tweets except
with Twitter you get even more chances for intersection points as the
technology allows you to have other peoples’ “present time” interwoven
with yours. Part of what I connect with Evelyn on is her ability to see
the potential of social networks as artistic mediums for creating real
time analogues of human consciousness. Several years ago (“in another
lifetime”, as she puts it) she was a social media consultant living in
the Bay Area. A series of dramatic events, including her experience as
an injured survivor of the 2004 Tsunami–as well as her return visit to
the beach where it happened in Thailand a year later –led her to put
aside and eventually give up her career and focus instead on
collaborating in the global awakening that she realized was going on.
She made art herself and helped others to make it. She “rolled into
action” to help the needy not out of obligation but simply because it
felt right.

The essential spontaneity of life — of the
naturally winding path that our imaginations like to take when left
free to wander — is something that Evelyn feels is captured well on
Twitter, and why she encourages other free-spirits to use it as a tool
of expression. Recently, she began Twitter Twainings on Thursdays in
New Orleans in order to help teach local residents how to use the

“Summer, for me, is a time of live meals. Of
lightness. I think that’s why I’m smitten with Twitter. Simple.
Spontaneous. Flirtatious. No craft, no technique, no scripting, no
editing, no hemming and hawing, no trying to achieve the perfect post.
Now, and now, before you blink – just blurt your heart out.” —Evelyn

Since deciding to follow her heart, Evelyn has still had hard times,
but it was through these times that she was inspired to help create new
ways of being. On her blog she writes about being broke and hungry in
San Francisco and feeling like an outcast from the world of restaurants
and people feasting happily on food that would be thrown away if not
finished. During her darkest moment she went for a walk and discovered
a row of fruit trees on a street in her neighborhood that she’d never
noticed before — branch after branch laden with ripe, succulent fruit.
These fruit trees became her main source of sustenance in the weeks
ahead. It was this experience that inspired her to formulate her Pan
Mesa vision of a future in which fresh and whole locally grown foods
are available free for everyone:

“Divide, and conquer. A
very, very ancient tactic to breed war and conflict — and maintain the
illusion of control and power over others. So, if we want to reclaim
our power, sometimes the simplest of things to do start by meeting me
at the table. We’ll see where things go from there. Stretch me, why
don’t you?

“I believe that everyone brings something to the
table. That we as human beings have more common interests than
separate. If only we would sit down together, share some bread and tea,
and converse.” —Evelyn

The Pan Mesa vision
is one of eating to celebrate the fact that you have food by sharing it
with as many others as possible. It’s a philosophy for offline living
based in part upon the new world of the internets, where open source
software makes having your own website and the ability to share with
others cheap, easy and fun. In most cases, the idea is to get as many
people as possible to come over and share in whatever you have posted.

There are pessimists who declare that the rise of the internet is
detrimental to having a tight circle of friends, as it makes people
spend less time outside with others and more time alone in front of
their computers. Evelyn and others (such as Stowe Boyd — in his essay on web friendship, which Evelyn links to in her own post on
the subject–argue that it’s having the opposite effect and fostering a
new version of friendship–one that is more open, more fluid, more
diverse, and less determined by the hard facts of the groupings you
belong to (where you work, where you go to school, where you live) and
more by your interests. A Pan Mesa vision of friendship is one that is
about a feeling of connectedness created by giving gifts and making
things for one another — like blog posts or mixtapes or being
available for long IM conversations in the middle of the night when no
one else is answering your calls or texts in your time zone.

Even if you don’t know their real name — or what they look like.

This isn’t to say that there isn’t a place or need for neighbors and
best friends who stick by you over the years through thick and thin —
but this is about creating MORE opportunities for a deeper kind of
hanging out that isn’t confined to going shopping together or eating at
fancy restaurants or “partying”. It’s bringing something from the
oldest parts of human civilization — the communal meal–together with
the newer notion of the quick, flexible and easy to form un-group:

“September 7, 2007

9/11 and home is where the hearth is

A Twitter friend muses:

What would happen if everyone except health and emerg services took
next Thursday ‘off’? No business, no driving. Just self-reflection.

And then: Maybe even cook a meal at home? From scratch?

What if we invited our neighbors over too?

Not Just Another Day in the Neighborhood, Let’s Gather the Neighborhood to Cultivate Peace

…is the subtitle for the Make Tea, Not War Communi-teas I’m kicking off Sunday and Tuesday.

I think my Twitter buddy meant next Tuesday, September 11th too.

But heck, why not next Thursday, or the following Wednesday? And then
picking up steam, every spur of the moment thereafter? Rotate homes.
Use twitter and SMS to broadcast to your friends and neighbors
spontaneous get-togethers like:

Paul brought home tons of heirlooms, twitter or text back if you’d like to come over at 6.

Or: Masala chai brewing. With goat cheese and figs from Saratoga farmer’s market. Ready in hour. Come over to Bev’s.” —Evelyn

As I said somewhat cryptically at the beginning of this post — Twitter
quickens the rate of return between ourselves and the universe — what
we put out through Twitter often comes back to us in a new and
unexpected way that’s beholden to an exact moment in time. I don’t know
how it works exactly, but I think it’s similar to how a DJ at a club
reads the vibe of the crowd and responds with a track that somehow
manages to hit each individual like a deliciously distorted echo of
their own voice telling them everything they needed to hear. “How could
the DJ KNOW that’s what I was feeling?” one is left to exclaim. Twitter
telepathy is based on the same complicated invisible connections
between members of various un-groups which makes it also seem like

In the case of @eve11
the “telepathy” happens at an uncanny frequency. There are times when
I’m sitting around, thinking hard about something when a buzz will come
through on my phone and it will be Eve11 tweeting my exact thoughts. I
began to wonder if there might be some mind reading involved after all.
When I met her in person at Flora’s café in NOLA, she was relaxed,
smiling, yet also very serious and steady. I didn’t feel any sensation
of her trying to push her way into my thoughts or read me too closely.
Instead her presence was like the rest of Flora’s–deeply welcoming yet
slightly sad at the same time, and after a few minutes I realized that
I’d never have a single answer as to why I’d felt compelled to come.
Something to do with Twitter and the major transformations happening in
the world and in my life, and how I was having a harder and harder time
keeping it hidden.

We talked about writing and Twitter and
not drinking and her former life as a consultant as neighborhood locals
and national guardsmen stopped in for coffees to go.

As we
finished our iced teas and got ready to leave she told me about how
she’d read A Wrinkle in Time for the first time the week before in one
sitting. She’d then gone on to read one of the sequels — A Swiftly
Tilting Planet. She told me she liked the part in A Wrinkle in Time
when Calvin feels compelled to walk out to the haunted house in the
woods, where he runs into Meg and her younger brother, Charles. They
ask him what he’s doing there and he can’t tell them. There was no
other reason — no deeper explanation — just a compulsion to be at
certain place.

“I really like that,” Evelyn said, and smiled
as the barista walked around behind her, snapping off the café lights
one by one.

“I like that too,” I said, my heart pounding in
my ears. A Wrinkle in Time had been my favorite book when I was a
little girl. Out of the blue a month or so prior I’d ordered a used
first edition copy off of Amazon. Oddly enough, I’d never read the
subsequent books in the series.

“You should,” Evelyn said,
her eyes sparkling. In A Swiftly Tilting Planet she writes about
kything, a wordless one-to-one kind of telepathy and a way of being
present with one another across time and space.”

Well, I’ll definitely have to read it,” I said. I reached over and
pulled out my copy of A Wrinkle in Time from my bag. Evelyn smiled and
looked only slightly surprised to see it.

“I think I’d like to find out more about kything.” I said.

The barista switched off the last set of lights and we were cast as
statues by the amber streetlights outside–themselves reflected in
Evelyn’s sparkling eyes:

Our world in stupor lies

Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair
Show an affirming flame.

-W.H. Auden, “September 1, 1939”

Sign up on Twitter for FREE at http://twitter.com and follow fellow Evolvers!

http://twitter.com/true–JP (me) on Twitter.

http://twitter.com/realitysandwich –Tweets from and inspired by Reality Sandwich

http://twitter.com/dpinchbeck –Daniel Pinchbeck on Twitter

Psychedelic Resources

A Foraging Trip: Where Do Magic Mushrooms Grow?
Eager to learn more about the origin of psilocybin species? Read this article to find out where magic mushrooms grow and more!

How to Make Shroom Tea: Best Recipe and Dosage
A step by step guide on how to brew shroom tea, and why entheogenic psilocybin tea is a preferred method for psychedelic connoisseurs.

R. Gordon Wasson: Author and Mushroom Expert
Learn about R. Gordon Wasson, the “legendary mushroom expert” and popular figure within the psychonaut community.

Shrooms vs Acid: Differences and Similarities Explained
Ever wondered what the differences are between shrooms vs acid, or if you can take both together? This guide explains what you need to know.

Quantum Mechanics, Reality, and Magic Mushrooms
Scientist and author Dr. Chris Becker takes an in-depth approach in understanding how we perceive reality through magic mushrooms and quantum mechanics.

Psilocybin Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety
Our ultimate guide to Psilocybin has everything you want to know about this psychedelic fungi from its uses to its legal status.

The Psilocybin Experience: What’s the Deal With Magic Mushrooms?
From microdoses to macrodoses, the psilocybin experience has been sought after both medicinally and recreationally for millennia.

Psilocybin and Magic Mushroom Resources
Curious to learn more about psilocybin? This guide is a comprehensive psilocybin resource containing books, therapeutic studies, and more.

Paul Stamets Profile: Mushroom Guru, Filmmaker, Nutritionist, Scientist
Learn about Paul Stamets, read his thoughts on psilocybin mircodosing, the future of psilocybin, and his recent film “Fantastic Fungi”.

Microdosing Psilocybin & Common Dosage Explained
Microdosing, though imperceivably, is showing to have many health benefits–here is everything you want to know about microdosing psilocybin.

Psilocybin Nasal Spray: Relief for Anxiety, PTSD, and Depression
Microdosing nasal spray with psilocybin, is that possible?! Oregan a start-up Silo Wellness believes so and has created this new option for PTSD treatment.

Mazatec Mushroom Usage: Notes on Approach, Setting and Species for Curious Psilonauts
A look at traditional Mazatec psilocybin mushroom usage, and a comparison to the cliniical therapeutic approach, with an examination of the Mazatec setting and species used in veladas.

María Sabina: The Mazatec Magic Mushroom Woman
Magic mushrooms are incredibly popular today. How they became introduced to into American culture isn’t usually a topic discussed while tripping on psilocybin fungi. We all may have María Sabina to thank for exposing the Western world to the healing properties of the psilocybin mushroom.

Guide to Magic Mushroom Strains
Are there different types of psilocybin? Read our guide to learn about the different magic mushroom strains and their individual effects.

Kilindi Iyi: Mycologist, Traveler, Teacher
Learn about traveler and mycologist Kilindi Iyi known in the psychedelic community for his research and exploration of psilocybin.

How to Store Shrooms: Best Practices
How do you store shrooms for optimal shelf life? Learn how and why the proper storage method is so important.

Shroom Chocolate Recipes: How to Make Magic Mushroom Chocolates
This recipe provides step by step directions on how you can make mushroom chocolates with the necessary ingredients. Read to learn more!

Why Do People Use Psilocybin? New Johns Hopkins Study
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicines has just published a new study on psychoactive effects of psilocybin. Read here to learn more.

How-To Lemon Tek: Ultimate Guide and Recipe
This master guide will teach you how to lemon tek, preventing the onset of negative effects after consuming psilocybin. Read to learn more!

How to Intensify a Mushroom Trip
Learn about techniques like Lemon tekking, or discover the right time to consume cannabis if you are looking to intensify a mushroom trip.

How to Grow Magic Mushrooms: Step-by-Step
This step-by-step guide will show you how to grow magic mushrooms at home. Read this guide before trying it on your own.

How to Dry Magic Mushrooms: Best Practices
Read to learn more about specifics for the best practices on how to dry magic mushrooms after harvesting season.

How to Buy Psilocybin Spores
Interested in psilocybin mushrooms? We’ll walk you through all you need to know to obtain mushroom spores. Nosh on this delish How To guide.

Hippie Flipping: When Shrooms and Molly Meet
What is it, what does it feel like, and how long does it last? Explore the mechanics of hippie flipping and how to safely experiment.

Having Sex on Shrooms: Good or Bad Idea?
Is having sex on shrooms a good idea or an accident waiting to happen? Find out in our guide to sex on magic mushrooms.

Gold Cap Shrooms Guide: Spores, Effects, Identification
Read this guide to learn more about the different characteristics of gold cap mushrooms, and how they differ from other psilocybin species.

Guide to Cooking with Magic Mushrooms
From cookies to smoothies and sandwiches, we cover various methods of cooking with magic mushrooms for the ultimate snack.

2020 Election: The Decriminalize Psilocybin Movement
Are you curious if mushrooms will follow in marijuana’s footsteps? Read to learn about how the U.S. is moving to decriminalize psilocybin.

Oregon’s Initiative to Legalize Mushrooms | Initiative Petition 34
Oregon continues to push ahead with their initiative to legalize Psilocybin in 2020. The measure received its official title and now needs signatures.

Canada Approves Psilocybin Treatment for Terminally-Ill Cancer Patients
Canada’s Minister of Health, Patty Hajdu approved the use of psilocybin to help ease anxiety and depression of four terminal cancer patients.

Mapping the DMT Experience
With only firsthand experiences to share, how can we fully map the DMT experience? Let’s explore what we know about this powerful psychedelic.

Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities
This guide discusses machine elves, clockwork elves, and other common DMT entities that people experience during a DMT trip.

Is the DMT Experience a Hallucination? 
What if the DMT realm was the real world, and our everyday lives were merely a game we had chosen to play?

How to Store DMT
Not sure how to store DMT? Read this piece to learn the best practices and elements of advice to keep your stuff fresh.

What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness?
How does our brain differentiate between what’s real and what’s not? Read to learn what can 5-MeO-DMT show us about consciousness.

How to Smoke DMT: Processes Explained
There are many ways to smoke DMT and we’ve outlined some of the best processes to consider before embarking on your journey.

How to Ground After DMT
Knowing what to expect from a DMT comedown can help you integrate the experience to gain as much value as possible from your journey.

How To Get DMT
What kind of plants contain DMT? Are there other ways to access this psychedelic? Read on to learn more about how to get DMT.

How DMT is Made: Everything You Need to Know
Ever wonder how to make DMT? Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about the procedures of how DMT is made.

Having Sex on DMT: What You Need to Know
Have you ever wondered about sex on DMT? Learn how the God Molecule can influence your intimate experiences.

Does the Human Brain Make DMT? 
With scientific evidence showing us DMT in the brain, what can we conclude it is there for? Read on to learn more.

How to Use DMT Vape Pens
Read to learn all about DMT vape pens including: what to know when vaping, what to expect when purchasing a DMT cartridge, and vaping safely.

DMT Resources
This article is a comprehensive DMT resource providing extensive information from studies, books, documentaries, and more. Check it out!

Differentiating DMT and Near-Death Experiences
Some say there are similarities between a DMT trip and death. Read our guide on differentiating DMT and near-death experiences to find out.

DMT Research from 1956 to the Edge of Time
From a representative sample of a suitably psychedelic crowd, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who couldn’t tell you all about Albert Hofmann’s enchanted bicycle ride after swallowing what turned out to be a massive dose of LSD. Far fewer, however, could tell you much about the world’s first DMT trip.

The Ultimate Guide to DMT Pricing
Check out our ultimate guide on DMT pricing to learn what to expect when purchasing DMT for your first time.

DMT Milking | Reality Sandwich
Indigenous cultures have used 5-MeO-DMT for centuries. With the surge in demand for psychedelic toad milk, is DMT Milking harming the frogs?

Why Does DMT Pervade Nature?
With the presence of DMT in nature everywhere – including human brains – why does it continue to baffle science?

DMT Substance Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety
Our ultimate guide to DMT has everything you want to know about this powerful psychedelic referred to as “the spirit molecule”.

DMT for Depression: Paving the Way for New Medicine
We’ve been waiting for an effective depression treatment. Studies show DMT for depression works even for treatment resistant patients.

Beating Addiction with DMT
Psychedelics have been studied for their help overcoming addiction. Read how DMT is helping addicts beat their substance abuse issues.

DMT Extraction: Behind the Scientific Process
Take a look at DMT extraction and the scientific process involved. Learn all you need to know including procedures and safety.

Microdosing DMT & Common Dosages Explained
Microdosing, though imperceivable, is showing to have many health benefits–here is everything you want to know about microdosing DMT.

DMT Art: A Look Behind Visionary Creations
An entire genre of artwork is inspired by psychedelic trips with DMT. Read to learn about the entities and visions behind DMT art.

Changa vs. DMT: What You Need to Know
While similar (changa contains DMT), each drug has its own unique effect and feeling. Let’s compare and contrast changa vs DMT.

5-MeO-DMT Guide: Effects, Benefits, Safety, and Legality
5-Meo-DMT comes from the Sonora Desert toad. Here is everything you want to know about 5-Meo-DMT and how it compares to 4-AcO-DMT.

4-AcO-DMT Guide: Benefits, Effects, Safety, and Legality
This guide tells you everything about 4 AcO DMT & 5 MeO DMT, that belong to the tryptamine class, and are similar but slightly different to DMT.

How Much Does LSD Cost? When shopping around for that magical psychedelic substance, there can be many uncertainties when new to buying LSD. You may be wondering how much does LSD cost? In this article, we will discuss what to expect when purchasing LSD on the black market, what forms LSD is sold in, and the standard breakdown of buying LSD in quantity.   Navy Use of LSD on the Dark Web The dark web is increasingly popular for purchasing illegal substances. The US Navy has now noticed this trend with their staff. Read to learn more.   Having Sex on LSD: What You Need to Know Can you have sex on LSD? Read our guide to learn everything about sex on acid, from lowered inhibitions to LSD users quotes on sex while tripping.   A Drug That Switches off an LSD Trip A pharmaceutical company is developing an “off-switch” drug for an LSD trip, in the case that a bad trip can happen. Some would say there is no such thing.   Queen of Hearts: An Interview with Liz Elliot on Tim Leary and LSD The history of psychedelia, particularly the British experience, has been almost totally written by men. Of the women involved, especially those who were in the thick of it, little has been written either by or about them. A notable exception is Liz Elliot.   LSD Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety LSD, Lysergic acid diethylamide, or just acid is one of the most important psychedelics ever discovered. What did history teach us?   Microdosing LSD & Common Dosage Explained Microdosing, though imperceivable, is showing to have many health benefits–here is everything you want to know about microdosing LSD.   LSD Resources Curious to learn more about LSD? This guide includes comprehensive LSD resources containing books, studies and more.   LSD as a Spiritual Aid There is common consent that the evolution of mankind is paralleled by the increase and expansion of consciousness. From the described process of how consciousness originates and develops, it becomes evident that its growth depends on its faculty of perception. Therefore every means of improving this faculty should be used.   Legendary LSD Blotter Art: A Hidden Craftsmanship Have you ever heard of LSD blotter art? Explore the trippy world of LSD art and some of the top artists of LSD blotter art.   LSD and Exercise: Does it Work? LSD and exercise? Learn why high-performing athletes are taking hits of LSD to improve their overall potential.   Jan Bastiaans Treated Holocaust Survivors with LSD Dutch psychiatrist, Jan Bastiaans administered LSD-assisted therapy to survivors of the Holocaust. A true war hero and pioneer of psychedelic-therapy.   LSD and Spiritual Awakening I give thanks for LSD, which provided the opening that led me to India in 1971 and brought me to Neem Karoli Baba, known as Maharajji. Maharajji is described by the Indians as a “knower of hearts.”   How LSD is Made: Everything You Need to Know Ever wonder how to make LSD? Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about the procedures of how LSD is made.   How to Store LSD: Best Practices Learn the best way to store LSD, including the proper temperature and conditions to maximize how long LSD lasts when stored.   Bicycle Day: The Discovery of LSD Every year on April 19th, psychonauts join forces to celebrate Bicycle Day. Learn about the famous day when Albert Hoffman first discovered the effects of LSD.   Cary Grant: A Hollywood Legend On LSD Cary Grant was a famous actor during the 1930’s-60’s But did you know Grant experimented with LSD? Read our guide to learn more.   Albert Hofmann: LSD — My Problem Child Learn about Albert Hofmann and his discovery of LSD, along with the story of Bicycle Day and why it marks a historic milestone.   Babies are High: What Does LSD Do To Your Brain What do LSD and babies have in common? Researchers at the Imperial College in London discover that an adult’s brain on LSD looks like a baby’s brain.   1P LSD: Effects, Benefits, Safety Explained 1P LSD is an analogue of LSD and homologue of ALD-25. Here is everything you want to know about 1P LSD and how it compares to LSD.   Francis Crick, DNA & LSD Type ‘Francis Crick LSD’ into Google, and the result will be 30,000 links. Many sites claim that Crick (one of the two men responsible for discovering the structure of DNA), was either under the influence of LSD at the time of his revelation or used the drug to help with his thought processes during his research. Is this true?   What Happens If You Overdose on LSD? A recent article presented three individuals who overdosed on LSD. Though the experience was unpleasant, the outcomes were remarkably positive.

The Ayahuasca Experience
Ayahuasca is both a medicine and a visionary aid. You can employ ayahuasca for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual repair, and you can engage with the power of ayahuasca for deeper insight and realization. If you consider attainment of knowledge in the broadest perspective, you can say that at all times, ayahuasca heals.


Trippy Talk: Meet Ayahuasca with Sitaramaya Sita and PlantTeachers
Sitaramaya Sita is a spiritual herbalist, pusangera, and plant wisdom practitioner formally trained in the Shipibo ayahuasca tradition.


The Therapeutic Value of Ayahuasca
My best description of the impact of ayahuasca is that it’s a rocket boost to psychospiritual growth and unfolding, my professional specialty during my thirty-five years of private practice.


Microdosing Ayahuasca: Common Dosage Explained
What is ayahuasca made of and what is considered a microdose? Explore insights with an experienced Peruvian brewmaster and learn more about this practice.


Ayahuasca Makes Neuron Babies in Your Brain
Researchers from Beckley/Sant Pau Research Program have shared the latest findings in their study on the effects of ayahuasca on neurogenesis.


The Fatimiya Sufi Order and Ayahuasca
In this interview, the founder of the Fatimiya Sufi Order,  N. Wahid Azal, discusses the history and uses of plant medicines in Islamic and pre-Islamic mystery schools.


Consideration Ayahuasca for Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Research indicates that ayahuasca mimics mechanisms of currently accepted treatments for PTSD. In order to understand the implications of ayahuasca treatment, we need to understand how PTSD develops.


Brainwaves on Ayahuasca: A Waking Dream State
In a study researchers shared discoveries showing ingredients found in Ayahuasca impact the brainwaves causing a “waking dream” state.


Cannabis and Ayahuasca: Mixing Entheogenic Plants
Cannabis and Ayahuasca: most people believe they shouldn’t be mixed. Read this personal experience peppered with thoughts from a pro cannabis Peruvian Shaman.


Ayahuasca Retreat 101: Everything You Need to Know to Brave the Brew
Ayahuasca has been known to be a powerful medicinal substance for millennia. However, until recently, it was only found in the jungle. Word of its deeply healing and cleansing properties has begun to spread across the world as many modern, Western individuals are seeking spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. More ayahuasca retreat centers are emerging in the Amazon and worldwide to meet the demand.


Ayahuasca Helps with Grief
A new study published in psychopharmacology found that ayahuasca helped those suffering from the loss of a loved one up to a year after treatment.


Ayahuasca Benefits: Clinical Improvements for Six Months
Ayahuasca benefits can last six months according to studies. Read here to learn about the clinical improvements from drinking the brew.


Ayahuasca Culture: Indigenous, Western, And The Future
Ayahuasca has been use for generations in the Amazon. With the rise of retreats and the brew leaving the rainforest how is ayahuasca culture changing?


Ayahuasca Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety
The Amazonian brew, Ayahuasca has a long history and wide use. Read our guide to learn all about the tea from its beginnings up to modern-day interest.


Ayahuasca and the Godhead: An Interview with Wahid Azal of the Fatimiya Sufi Order
Wahid Azal, a Sufi mystic of The Fatimiya Sufi Order and an Islamic scholar, talks about entheogens, Sufism, mythology, and metaphysics.


Ayahuasca and the Feminine: Women’s Roles, Healing, Retreats, and More
Ayahuasca is lovingly called “grandmother” or “mother” by many. Just how feminine is the brew? Read to learn all about women and ayahuasca.

What Is the Standard of Care for Ketamine Treatments?
Ketamine therapy is on the rise in light of its powerful results for treatment-resistant depression. But, what is the current standard of care for ketamine? Read to find out.

What Is Dissociation and How Does Ketamine Create It?
Dissociation can take on multiple forms. So, what is dissociation like and how does ketamine create it? Read to find out.

Having Sex on Ketamine: Getting Physical on a Dissociative
Curious about what it could feel like to have sex on a dissociate? Find out all the answers in our guide to sex on ketamine.

Special K: The Party Drug
Special K refers to Ketamine when used recreationally. Learn the trends as well as safety information around this substance.

Kitty Flipping: When Ketamine and Molly Meet
What is it, what does it feel like, and how long does it last? Read to explore the mechanics of kitty flipping.

Ketamine vs. Esketamine: 3 Important Differences Explained
Ketamine and esketamine are used to treat depression. But what’s the difference between them? Read to learn which one is right for you: ketamine vs. esketamine.

Guide to Ketamine Treatments: Understanding the New Approach
Ketamine is becoming more popular as more people are seeing its benefits. Is ketamine a fit? Read our guide for all you need to know about ketamine treatments.

Ketamine Treatment for Eating Disorders
Ketamine is becoming a promising treatment for various mental health conditions. Read to learn how individuals can use ketamine treatment for eating disorders.

Ketamine Resources, Studies, and Trusted Information
Curious to learn more about ketamine? This guide includes comprehensive ketamine resources containing books, studies and more.

Ketamine Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety
Our ultimate guide to ketamine has everything you need to know about this “dissociative anesthetic” and how it is being studied for depression treatment.

Ketamine for Depression: A Mental Health Breakthrough
While antidepressants work for some, many others find no relief. Read to learn about the therapeutic uses of ketamine for depression.

Ketamine for Addiction: Treatments Offering Hope
New treatments are offering hope to individuals suffering from addiction diseases. Read to learn how ketamine for addiction is providing breakthrough results.

Microdosing Ketamine & Common Dosages Explained
Microdosing, though imperceivable, is showing to have many health benefits–here is everything you want to know about microdosing ketamine.

How to Ease a Ketamine Comedown
Knowing what to expect when you come down from ketamine can help integrate the experience to gain as much value as possible.

How to Store Ketamine: Best Practices
Learn the best ways how to store ketamine, including the proper temperature and conditions to maximize how long ketamine lasts when stored.

How To Buy Ketamine: Is There Legal Ketamine Online?
Learn exactly where it’s legal to buy ketamine, and if it’s possible to purchase legal ketamine on the internet.

How Long Does Ketamine Stay in Your System?
How long does ketamine stay in your system? Are there lasting effects on your body? Read to discover the answers!

How Ketamine is Made: Everything You Need to Know
Ever wonder how to make Ketamine? Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about the procedures of how Ketamine is made.

Colorado on Ketamine: First Responders Waiver Programs
Fallout continues after Elijah McClain. Despite opposing recommendations from some city council, Colorado State Health panel recommends the continued use of ketamine by medics for those demonstrating “excited delirium” or “extreme agitation”.

Types of Ketamine: Learn the Differences & Uses for Each
Learn about the different types of ketamine and what they are used for—and what type might be right for you. Read now to find out!

Kitty Flipping: When Ketamine and Molly Meet
What is it, what does it feel like, and how long does it last? Read to explore the mechanics of kitty flipping.

MDMA & Ecstasy Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety
Our ultimate guide to MDMA has everything you want to know about Ecstasy from how it was developed in 1912 to why it’s being studied today.

How To Get the Most out of Taking MDMA as a Couple
Taking MDMA as a couple can lead to exciting experiences. Read here to learn how to get the most of of this love drug in your relationship.

Common MDMA Dosage & Microdosing Explained
Microdosing, though imperceivable, is showing to have many health benefits–here is everything you want to know about microdosing MDMA.

Having Sex on MDMA: What You Need to Know
MDMA is known as the love drug… Read our guide to learn all about sex on MDMA and why it is beginning to makes its way into couple’s therapy.

How MDMA is Made: Common Procedures Explained
Ever wonder how to make MDMA? Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about the procedures of how MDMA is made.

Hippie Flipping: When Shrooms and Molly Meet
What is it, what does it feel like, and how long does it last? Explore the mechanics of hippie flipping and how to safely experiment.

How Cocaine is Made: Common Procedures Explained
Ever wonder how to make cocaine? Read our guide to learn everything you need to know about the procedures of how cocaine is made.

A Christmas Sweater with Santa and Cocaine
This week, Walmart came under fire for a “Let it Snow” Christmas sweater depicting Santa with lines of cocaine. Columbia is not merry about it.

Ultimate Cocaine Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety
This guide covers what you need to know about Cocaine, including common effects and uses, legality, safety precautions and top trends today.

NEWS: An FDA-Approved Cocaine Nasal Spray
The FDA approved a cocaine nasal spray called Numbrino, which has raised suspicions that the pharmaceutical company, Lannett Company Inc., paid off the FDA..

The Ultimate Guide to Cannabis Bioavailability
What is bioavailability and how can it affect the overall efficacy of a psychedelic substance? Read to learn more.

Cannabis Research Explains Sociability Behaviors
New research by Dr. Giovanni Marsicano shows social behavioral changes occur as a result of less energy available to the neurons. Read here to learn more.

The Cannabis Shaman
If recreational and medical use of marijuana is becoming accepted, can the spiritual use as well? Experiential journalist Rak Razam interviews Hamilton Souther, founder of the 420 Cannabis Shamanism movement…

Cannabis Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety
Our ultimate guide to Cannabis has everything you want to know about this popular substances that has psychedelic properties.

Cannabis and Ayahuasca: Mixing Entheogenic Plants
Cannabis and Ayahuasca: most people believe they shouldn’t be mixed. Read this personal experience peppered with thoughts from a procannabis Peruvian Shaman.

CBD-Rich Cannabis Versus Single-Molecule CBD
A ground-breaking study has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole plant Cannabis extract as compared to synthetic cannabidiol (CBD), challenging the medical-industrial complex’s notion that “crude” botanical preparations are less effective than single-molecule compounds.

Cannabis Has Always Been a Medicine
Modern science has already confirmed the efficacy of cannabis for most uses described in the ancient medical texts, but prohibitionists still claim that medical cannabis is “just a ruse.”

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