The following is the transcript of a channeled lecture given by Paul Selig in Toledo, Ohio on November 9th, 2014. This unedited text includes the guides occasionally addressing Paul’s unspoken thoughts or questions.
We will listen to you now as you ask, as you receive, as you learn. There is no one in this room who is not ready to decide that she can change her life, that he can change his life. There is not one of you here who has been forgotten – “Who has been forgotten” means that we do not see you as you truly are. And as we understand who you are we decide with you what can create with the most benefit for you, and we support you in creating that thing.
Now, we will explain what we mean here. Not one of you, no one here has been decided upon as unworthy – not by us or anyone else. And the consequence of this is you are, in fact, worthy and consequently what you require to call to you to support you in your next stage of development will be brought to you as you can make it so.
Why do we use the words, “make it so,” he is asking. Because you are a collaborator here and as you say, “Yes, I may. Yes, I may call this into being,” you agree that something can be brought forward to support you in your realization of the work we have done together.
Now, what is a creation but something born into being through intention, through conscious thought, or projection unconsciously? As you agree now to who and what you are, you make a decision that this can be so. The asking we have for you now – Will you come with us as we teach you? – must be heard by you on multiple levels. The personality self must agree to a certain point, to agree to listen, to not block the frequency of the teachings you are going to receive. The Divine Self knows this already and is already in agreement because she will only allow you that which you require to evolve.
Now, the false self, the one with the investment in learning for the ego’s sake, or the one who decides what she must know because she must be this-or-that, will be the one we have to teach clearly. And there is a reason for this – the information you are about to receive cannot be misused, cannot be required of another without their consent and, consequently, we will not align it to an entity or a frequency that is operating in distortion. This is going to be a gift, yes, and a very important one for those of you who are ready to receive it.
We must explain this for Paul who is getting concerned, “This sounds like there are levels of agreement. Some may receive, some may not.” An aspect of the self that would require a teaching for her own use without the welcoming to others will not be able to receive fully. Any light because she would use it for her own service, his own service, what we are going to give you now is an awakening to the vibration of the Holy Spirit.
We have never used this word through Paul before. He is very worried. But we must continue the class as we can. The awakening of the Holy Spirit within you is the Divine essence of the Godhead that will collaborate as you to bring your life into manifestation at a new level of consciousness. And the fear you have of holding this can only be attended to in agreement.
This is a new teaching, yes, and we don’t care that he is full in the belly and would rather be sleeping. We are very pleased for an opportunity to align this to a group of people who may know themselves as they truly are.
Now, the consent that is required here is the consent of reason. To be in reason means to understand that when you make a choice you are accountable to the responses of it. As you make this choice, as you agree to this choice, as you claim it, you align to the potential that may be manifested by you. As you claim your Christed Self as you truly are, the vibration that you will hold and are agreeing to take as you is higher than you have known. And to be accountable to this primarily means that you are changing the prescription of what makes you, you.
How you have decided who you are up until today was born in reason and history and agreement, so you will take this next step in reason as well. And why we say reason is we need complicit nature, the intellectual mind must be party to this so she can say, “yes,” and not run for the hills when things begin to change.
You may ask this, “What will change?” We will give you the simple answer – you will change. But as you change, your creations must reflect the graduate stages of manifestation that can be made by the part of you who would decide that she is aligned to this knowing, “I am here. I am here. I am here.”
Now, the qualifications for this choice, and we use that word intentionally, are agreement, consent and choice. As you say, “yes,” you are not only saying yes to yourself but for everybody you will ever meet who will be in tandem with this level of knowing as themselves. You become the conduit, in some way, for what will be born as you and the vibration that you hold will be known to others as and through you, as you know who you are.
The claim, “I am here,” while we say is the claim of mastery, is not the frequency of choice. It is the claim of being. The frequency of choice, which is intention as emboldened by this choice to claim self is what we are attending to now. The vibration you hold so far, which has been manifested by you, is great, is wonderful and is not to be aligned to in a small way.
As we speak these words to each of you – “you are here, you are here, you are here” – we are speaking the name of the Self, the Monad, if you wish, that will be expressed by and through you. Now your reply as you did yesterday when we said, “Are you here?” and you said, “Yes, we are here,” is being made again through intention of qualification.
We are asking you this – if you wish to be the vital organ that pumps the blood through the mainstream of society, if you wish to be the vital organ that extends itself for the good of mankind, if you wish to be the aspect of the Creator that may be benefitting others without selfishness, correct, and that is the key, selfishness, we will speak these words for you, “You are here. You are here. You are here.”
The frequency you know now as yourselves is being frequency of the Christed Self. Now, as the Christed Self, you have purview. What is the purview of the Christed Self? The Kingdom is the purview and the Kingdom, as we have spoken, is the awareness of the manifestation of the Creator in all you witness, in all you see, how you see.
“I see with the eyes of the Christ,” is what is being gifted to you now, and as we speak these words to you, the eyes in your head and the vibration of sight will be lifted to the vision of the Divine as may be perceived by and through you. The creations you have made in lower form must be witnessed again as your sight will hold them and lift them to the mastery that you have attained.
Now, when we say mastery, we mean, “I am here,” and as the one who has created something, you must recreate it in the new knowing you have of your name. Now, when you have a false teaching, it does not stand the test of water. It does not float. It sinks to the bottom of the ocean and lands with a thud. A true teaching, we would say, must be met by you as your experience, underline the word as, because it can only be known in the present moment as and by you.
Configurations, we would say, that are made partially in truth and partially in fear will have to be moved apart. Paul is seeing a marble that has been soldered together from two different metals, two different kinds of ore – one is high, one is low. They participate in a game of marbles, assuming they are one frequency and in fact perhaps they have become so, because they have decided they are the same thing. But one level may be high and may be lowered by the frequency of the thing that it has attached to, that it perceives to be itself.
This is an important understanding. That it perceives to be itself means that the lower nature or attachment or creation assumes itself to be the Divine Self or the True Self when, in fact, it is not. Now Paul is asking, “This sounds frightening to me. Are we pulling apart the marble or the self? We cannot roll with half a marble – we will lie there like a thing. “ In fact, the marble is its own frequency and what is attached to it must now be recreated in a regard to its True Self.
“I know I am responsible to all of my creations including those things I have supposed to be myself, when in fact they are not truly who I am.”
He asks for an example. My fear, my shame, my anger, my right to retribution– all of these things you assume are you, have never been you because they cannot coincide as the Divine Self. So the mistaken thing is that you are your pain or your self-righteousness or your fear. The mistaken self likes to masquerade as the True Self when, in fact, that is not the case.
So, as you choose on this morning to be in mastery at the level of attunement and see with the eyes of the Christ, you are manifesting the self outside of what you have known and the degree to which you align to this, which in fact, you are participatory to, will be the degree of realization you’ll hold. Do you understand this teaching?
Now, as we teach you, we align you to us at our level of consciousness for one reason only: so that you may understand that we are love, that we only mean good and what you can claim is in agreement to your own Divine Self. As you claim, “I am here,” again, it means something different. What you are accepting is the frequency of the Christ as dominion that may be mastered and aligned to as you create.
The forgiveness that’s required here, both of the self and all you have met, must be attended to first. And this is a very important teaching. You cannot agree to create a new life as you stand in un-forgiveness of your fellows or the self. And for one reason only – you are operating in a distortion as you claim yourself in un-forgiveness and the attachment to that is safety. “I am in un-forgiveness,” will claim you again and again and hold you back, we would say, from the truth – the very truth of who and what you are.
We will ask you this now, is there anyone in your life who you cannot forgive? You can answer correctly. Cannot is the verb that we speak to, that you can not, that you cannot forgive. We use the word can intentionally because we will change that word in a moment to will, that you will not. If you understand that it is will, that you will not, you can claim it as a choice and stay in your own council until you decide it is safe to forgive.
When you know it is safe to forgive, you can move forward. But there is no one here who cannot forgive herself or another, although many of you will not but you don’t know you have the choice. Now, on this morning we would say to you each, you have the right to change.
“I have the right to know myself in a new way, to decide for myself in a new way. And as I know myself in forgiveness of the self, as I align myself as the one who is forgiving, I create a doorway.”
We would like you all to see this doorway before you. The doorway is the doorway to the new life you will live. And you see it before you, as you align yourself now.
“I am the one who can forgive, who aligns myself to forgiveness, who sees herself as forgiving and has no investment in the suffering of another.”
As you say these words next, you will rise from your chair and stand in the doorway that we place before you. These are the words to speak, if you wish. If you would rise.
“On this day I choose to align myself to the realization of the self that I am in her fullness, in her frequency, in her claim of truth, and I allow myself to release any aspects of the self that have been masquerading as my True Self. As I give permission to release my creations I agree to come forward and be met as I am. The Christed manifestation of my being is willing to be seen and recreated as the person I am, as the being I am. As this claim is made, I am free, I am free, I am free.”
We claim you with us. As we say yes to you, each and every one of you, we anoint you with the potential for climbing the mountain you will see before you. And we use the term mountain intentionally. From the highest peak of the mountain you see all that may be witnessed and you see it with the eyes of the one who knows who and what she is, he is.
Now, we are giving you an anointing to the aspect of the self who will climb with you, through you and as you, so you will never know yourself as alone on this journey. The Divine as you has come to be you and re-claim you in fullness. “I am here. I am here. I am here.” As we see you now, and we will do you individually, as you must be perceived by us in form to know the self as you truly are, you are making a commitment not to us, but to the Divine Self to be free of the limited self who would like to claim you as her own.
What this means, very simply, is there is no other choice but to go forward. “I am here. I am here. I am here,” as you claim it, is the choice to ascend the mountain before you. “What is the mountain?” he asks. The mountain is the material form that you know and the alignment you hold to the Christ, as you exist in form. And as you exist in frequency, you have the right to choose to lift those things you see to the level of awareness of who and what they truly are.
Now, we have to deal with Paul for a moment who wants to run into the corner. “What are you doing with these people? They ask, ‘where do we go?’ What are you teaching them?” We are teaching them that the Divine as them has a mandate for her own realization and as they concur, as they claim, they climb the highest mountain that they may know and that may be their expression.
Do you all understand this, yes?
Now, he will hold your hands and you will see him as you can, but who you perceive yourself to be, will be the one who sees. So we ask you to align the eyes you hold in your head to the vibration of the Christ and say these words to yourself first, “I am seeing with the eyes of the Christ. I know who I am. I know what I am. I know how I serve.”
Paul Selig will be leading an evening workshop at the New York Open Center on Friday, January 16, 2015 from 7-9 pm. Register here. He will also be leading a 5-session livestream course on Wednesday nights from January 14 – February 11. Register for individual sessions or the full course here.
Image by Charles Roffey, courtesy of Creative Commons license.